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Special Offering: Discourse Trilogy with Quartz Obelisk


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We have long lamented the lack of True Hermetic lineage active and accessible in these modern times. The inner group of this Temple have spent their collective lifetimes seeking Hermetic knowledge, alchemical techniques, and the Key of the Mysteries. From Master Teachers such as Solazaref, we have deepened the practical techniques of these Arts and from Traditional orders in supreme Silence, we have gained deeper initiations. We have experienced the theophany of the visions, and thus it is time to teach, as we are directed by those before. Thus we open a Temple, and offer special spiritual items and writings to the select few that have followed the diverse groups we have created to propagate the Way and to recruit the elite, the ‘gods in exile.’

For these Strangers to the World, we offer an oasis, a temple, one of teaching, fellowship and filiation on the Path. We present special offerings rather than request membership dues or other formalities. We ask you to invest in these teachings and power items in an exchange of value for value, of creating a bond, a relationship and intimacy by acquiring these magical objects, from our lineage, and using them within your own practice and shrine. Thus, we create the esoteric links, the magical circles of sympathy and correspondence. Rituals are timed across the expanses as we all unite into the Great Work. We invite anyone considering this item to read the Join page.

At the core of this offering is a presentation and commentary of the Discourse of the Eighth and the Ninth. This is an essential and high level text for the Hermetic aspirant, but one that should be read early and held in the mind for the progressive stages of the Path. We find the usual presentations dessicated, redacted, the commentary absent or misleading and intentionally distorted. These are, of course, the familiar signatures and tactics of the Occult Wars. To obfuscate, erase, invert and appropriate is the modus operandi of the Enemies of Life. Thus we call upon the True Disciples of Hermes to join us in this esoteric combat and engage in the True Way of Hermes. We endeavor this Temple to be a theurgic shrine and Mystery School, as well as teaching the exoteric and esoteric skillful methods of the Adept. We wish to create an integrated Initiate to evolve into our definition of a True Master, one steeped in the authentic Hermetic Weltanschauung.

When one fully realizes the core of the Hyperborean/Orphic and Hermetic Mysteries the rest of the “Western Tradition” is laid bare as an elaborate deception to conceal the True Way. The religions, cults, the holy wars, revolutions etc. are all an elaborate and systematic attempt to eradicate as much as possible this Path from this realm. What can not be obliterated then must be appropriated, co-opted, distorted, counterfeited and used as bait and lures to ensnare the naive seekers into even deeper traps and abstractions.

The Hermetic materials in their authentic form are transmuting, transformative, the Way of Immortality. As such, they are the supreme target of the Enemy. The esoteric history of the last 2000 years is thus an Occult War to conceal, pervert, subvert and disempower this Tradition. The Crusades, the revolutions, the New Age and Occult movements are all conjured to distract and confuse, to muddy the waters and create the chaos and fog of war to hide the authentic methods. The kabbalistic intrusions pushed into the secret societies, the false texts, pseudepigraphy, inversions and antithesis of the Way taught to create adepts elite only in degeneracy and spiritual sickness. Thus, nearly every “Western Tradition” is infected with their Hebraic systems and rituals that are the antithesis and enemy of the Way of the Egyptian and Pagan or Mystery Traditions. Therefore, it is essential to distill and purge these noxious alphabets, symbols, worldview and rituals from every aspect of our consciousness. The lore is clear in its affinities, the Orphic Hymns praise Hermes and Isis, Hyperborean Pythagoras studied long in Egypt (as did so many other Greeks), the theurgic and Neoplatonic writers refute so much of the extremes and falsehoods. The cultic infections of the Anti-Tradition add nothing to the beauty and majesty of the Mysteries and only lace it with the most deadly subtle poisons that rot the heart and soul. One must become a True Human Being first, and then to regain the Immortal Memory that this entire history of sorcery and Occult Wars has attempted to conceal, deny, subert and harvest this spiritual energy for its own alien god and goetic demons.

This series of the Discourse is also a precursor to the series Azoth, a trilogy of Hermetic exoteric and esoteric pathworking of the Seven Planets plus two, the Ogdoad and the Ennead. This is the original system stolen by kabbalists and used as a false inverted path, a type of lure and soul trap for the naive. There is no hyperbole in describing the supreme crisis of the situation, the final stages of this eternal War, waged as above, and so below, likewise wages within and without. The microcosm of self is assaulted, sick, fractured and tormented in this falling world age, and it is essential to prepare in a full-spectrum of esoteric and exoteric self-empowerment, self-initiation but within the guidance of the authentic Tradition.

We obtain our Obelisk in its natural form, through initiated Egyptian artisans and from a specific type of quartz, although there are different materials used for different rites, such as black obsidian, rose quartz, lapis lazuli. WE are to always procure them from our guild. Please contact for other materials or special orders and there will be more listed. But essential to the creation of the Shrine is such a quartz object, one that is an energetic repository, a conduit to the subtle forces of the Gods, an expression of condensed solar energy, blessed and ritually empowered in our Theurgic Rites and Temple. These are to be used in every ritual from the theurgic invocations, the dream incubation, the erotic Rites, the visionary ordeals, the abysmal and ascension Mysteries all of which are described in Inner Rituals and Philosophy of Templo Mercurii and those that obtain these objects will have full pith instructions to these rituals that are done through correspondence and inner writings.

There are many specific days holy to the principal deity of the Temple, his expression as Thoth, the diverse incarnated Hermes Trismegistus, as the divine Hermes or Mercury, to this God in other cultic forms. On an auspicious day, a feast or festival day, or one of particular importance of thanksgiving or culmination of ritual/theurgic Rites one is to make an offering of the Obelisk.

The obelisk is to be placed on a thin sheet of natural mica or copper, and this on flat or square stone. The obelisk is to be of the appropriate composition for the ritual and shrine. Quartz is superior for the theurgic rites as being conductive to astral and celestial energies. Its shape draws down these superior energies and project those in the forms of prayer and acts of magical intention into the subtle realm.

These are to be further empowered with the incense and fumigations of the Orphic hymns and Hermetic prayers, and intoned with the hymns and chanting of the Greek vowels in the specific Art. The obelisk is to be enthroned in honor of the statue or image, ideally with an appropriate (in scale) lamp and incense censor/tripod. These can be erected for each planetary god, creating shrines or temples or alcoves dedicated to a particular god. Different sized or ones of different composition can be used to honor particular teachers or ancestors within the temple or shrine.

Some offerings to mark a particular operation and event, while some are to empower a type of obelisk that is one’s personal ritual possession. This is to be, for mobility, small enough to carry in a bag protected, or smaller ones for other occasions. These are kept secret, and used to hold in various rituals and dream practices as an aid and even magical weapon. This is to be linked with one’s central, larger shrine/temple which is also accomplished by obtaining via this temple, magically enchained with our lineage, and these in turn are linked with the outer quartz mines from near Hermopolis in Egypt. In the oldest accounts, there were two monolithic style obelisks. This pair of black siltstone obelisks were originally set up at a temple complex in Hermopolis and moved, but their template remains as a fundamental necessity to the theurgic rites of the Gods. These materials are conductive of such subtle, fiery, celestial energies and their true esoteric power and important can truly be appreciated within the visionary rituals. A pair of obelisks in the central shrine that flank the main deity, and all obelisks in each of the four cardinal directions or corners create a truly protected and empowered temple.

Consider the expense, the precision, the resources and time the ancient used in sacred architecture, temples, monuments and other magico-religious sacred places, spaces and paraphernalia. This is because the profound effect on the Mind/Nous, the infusing of the atmosphere, the harnessing of energy, the potentiate and focusing of correspondences are vital components of a true magical technology, the exalting of the mind, the creation of an ecstatic energy capable of influencing and transcending fate and shattering obstacles of destiny. This is the essence of alchemy and magic, that esoteric actions affect, influence, into exoteric results. Spirit and matter flowing back and forth with the messenger or mesocosmic mediation of Psyche or a lower Nous to a higher Nous (Mind, Discerning esoteric insight, Immortal or Divine Intellect, Gnosis as Memory in the totality of past, present and future knowing and being). These magical items from sacred caves in Egypt and Syria function to bring this telluric and chthonic energy of condensed light and lightning, of solar and lunar power formed within the earth. Such quartz obelisk link to our lineage, giving a unique, signature and
resonance effect between the quartz crystal and the theurgic Philosopher.

Obtain one obelisk to place at the top of the bed near the head during the sleep incubation rituals. This is another spiritual technology for dream, functioning as a supreme conduit for divine inspired dreams. As with the solidified mercury, the true quartz obelisk absorbs intention and is the mark of sacred space and time. It is a contract with the Gods, and why the various “elite” have stolen them and appropriated their imagery, especially in Masonic graves or the Washington Monument, or stolen to the Vatican. But their false path and devotion to the false-demiurge cannot be saved by such means. They have deviated the Mysteries, the Master Narrative and the Great Work towards those distorted agendas of the Enemy. Many in the New Age have an instinct that the crystals and quartz have power, but they are ensnared in a false worldview and system that simply uses these properties to exploit and open conduits and connections of parasitic entities and to become possessed and assimilated into these hive like consciousness. The Master Narrative of initiation empowers these to go beyond the lower astral entities and parasites to the Theoi, the Gods and Immortals, the Daimons of ancestral tutelary spirits that are perverted into concepts of Kabbalistic goetia/holy guardian angels and other such distortions to ensnare one into a deviant, degenerate system.

In this decaying world age, we reference the Hermetic prophecy of the false teachings as told to Ascelpius:

“Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of heaven, or, to speak more exactly, in Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and work in heaven have been transferred to earth below?

Nay, it should rather be said that the whole Kosmos dwells in this our land as in its sanctuary. And yet, since it is fitting that wise men should have knowledge of all events before they come to pass, you must not be left in ignorance of this: there will come a time when it will be seen that in vain have the Egyptians honoured the deity with heartfelt piety and assiduous service; and all our holy worship will be found bootless and ineffectual. For the gods will return from earth to heaven. Egypt will be forsaken, and the land which was once the home of religion will be left desolate, bereft of the presence of its deities…

…Do you weep at this, Asclepius? There is worse to come; Egypt herself will have yet more to suffer; she will fall into a far more piteous plight, and will be infected with yet more, grievous plagues; and this land, which once was holy, a land which loved the gods, and wherein alone, in reward for her devotion, the gods deigned to sojourn upon earth, a land which was the teacher of mankind in holiness and piety, this land will go beyond all in cruel deeds. The dead will far outnumber the living; and the survivors will be known for Egyptians by their tongue alone, but in their actions they will seem to be men of another race.

O Egypt, Egypt, of thy religion nothing will remain but an empty tale, which thine own children in time to come will not believe; nothing will be left but graven words, and only the stones will tell of thy piety. And in that day men will be weary of life, and they will cease to think the universe worthy of reverent wonder and of worship. And so religion, the greatest of all blessings, for there is nothing, nor has been, nor ever shall be, that can be deemed a greater boon, will be threatened with destruction; men will think it a burden, and will come to scorn it. They will no longer love this world around us, this incomparable work of God, this glorious structure which he has built, this sum of good made up of things of many diverse forms, this instrument whereby the will of God operates in that which be has made, ungrudgingly favouring man’s welfare, this combination and accumulation of all the manifold things that can call forth the veneration, praise, and love of the beholder.

Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven ; the pious will be deemed insane, and the impious wise; the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good. As to the soul, and the belief that it is immortal by nature, or may hope to attain to immortality, as I have taught you, all this they will mock at, and will even persuade themselves that it is false. No word of reverence or piety, no utterance worthy of heaven and of the gods of heaven, will be heard or believed.

And so the gods will depart from mankind, a grievous thing!, and only evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and drive the poor wretches by main force into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of the soul. Then will the earth no longer stand unshaken, and the sea will bear no ships; heaven will not support the stars in their orbits, nor will the stars pursue their constant course in heaven; all voices of the gods will of necessity be silenced and dumb; the fruits of the earth will rot; the soil will turn barren, and the very air will sicken in sullen stagnation. After this manner will old age come upon the world. Religion will be no more; all things will be disordered and awry; all good will disappear.

But when all this has befallen, Asclepius, then the Master and Father, God, the first before all, the maker of that god who first came into being, will look on that which has come to pass, and will stay the disorder by the counterworking of his will, which is the good. He will call back to the right path those who have gone astray; he will cleanse the world from evil, now washing it away with water-floods, now burning it out with fiercest fire, or again expelling it by war and pestilence. And thus he will bring back his world to its former aspect, so that the Kosmos will once more be deemed worthy of worship and wondering reverence, and God, the maker and restorer of the mighty fabric, will be adored by the men of that day with unceasing hymns of praise and blessing.

Such is the new birth of the Kosmos; it is a making again of all things good, a holy and awe-striking restoration of all nature; and it is wrought in the process of time by the eternal will of God. For Gods will has no beginning; it is ever the same, and as it now is, even so it has ever been, without beginning. For it is the very being of God to purpose good.”

Thus, the true empowered items protect from these malignant astral influence, especially when one is most vulnerable in sleep and the visionary rites. Our lineage teaches to reconstruct the temple as microcosm, and likewise the body and the microcosmic alchemical crucible for an integrated path of internal and external alchemy. Those who invest in this item will obtain writings of the Temple that incorporate these into every aspect of theurgic, visionary and other Hermetic practices.

There were Hermetic sciences that were the precursors to such an invention as the radio that used a tower and antenna with resonators based on quartz crystals to amplify and stabilize signals. This is the same with subtle astral influences. These can be seen by certain sensitive individuals, and especially with certain visionary herbs, but the practices of theurgic use are to visualize the intentions, prayers, chants, hymns to the Gods as from the heart to the obelisk that is transmitted into the higher realms, and likewise, the focused descent of a similar energy that the obelisk’s charge is able to detect or enhance and stabilize. The quartz likewise stores these impressions, as again does the properly purified and stabilized alchemical mercury.

Such occasions can be feast days, in honor of the deity, (or the grove or the shrine), the ancestor or teacher for whom the obelisk was erected and dedicated. This Prayer, found with the Discourse of the Eighth and Ninth, the Prayer of Thanksgiving encompasses the Solar and Lunar Mysteries of this Way, the first verse being of the Sun, the Father, the active aspects and the second to the interior world, the Womb, the Feminine and Lunar.

“We give thanks to You! Every soul and heart is lifted up to You, undisturbed name, honored with the name ‘God’ and praised with the name ‘Father’, for to everyone and everything (comes) the fatherly kindness and affection and love, and any teaching there may be that is sweet and plain, giving us mind, speech, (and) knowledge: mind, so that we may understand You, speech, so that we may expound You, knowledge, so that we may know You. We rejoice, having been illuminated by Your knowledge. We rejoice because You have shown us Yourself. We rejoice because while we were in (the) body, You have made us divine through Your knowledge.

“The thanksgiving of the man who attains to You is one thing: that we know You. We have known You, intellectual light. Life of life, we have known You. Womb of every creature, we have known You. Womb pregnant with the nature of the Father, we have known You. Eternal permanence of the begetting Father, thus have we worshiped Your goodness. There is one petition that we ask: we would be preserved in knowledge. And there is one protection that we desire: that we not stumble in this kind of life.”

There are 6 available Quartz Obelisk Special Offerings. Use the “Size” drop-down menu to select from the available Quartz Obelisk Special Offerings. Each Quartz Obelisk Special Offering comes with a limited hand-bound edition of the Discourse Trilogy (viewable in the offering photo gallery). Quartz Obelisk Special Offerings qualify for Free Shipping (within U.S.) and are double box packed with extra care for shipment.

Notes on the Quartz Obelisks: Each quartz obelisk was selected for its power. Obelisks are not cut for a perfection but for its form. Obelisks may have extra surface cuts. Obelisks have naturally-resulting surface grooves, depressions, may have instances of gritting where meeting a cut edge, but these natural and form resulting instances do not detract from the qualities of quartz crystal. Each obelisk has a sanded flat base.

5lb 9.1″ Quartz Obelisk Special Offering (click each image to view full size)
9lb 12.4″ Quartz Obelisk Special Offering (click each image to view full size)
10lb 15.1″ Quartz Obelisk Special Offering (click each image to view full size)
8lb 14.9″ Quartz Obelisk Special Offering (click each image to view full size)
7.15lb 15.1″ Quartz Obelisk Special Offering (click each image to view full size)
15.4lb 17″ Quartz Obelisk Special Offering (click each image to view full size)

Additional information


5lb (9.1"), 9lb (12.4"), 8.14 lb (14.9"), 10.9 lb (15.1"), 7.15lb (15.1"), 15.4lb (17")


Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090