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Organic Cold-Pressed Artisan Small Batch Black Seed Oil (4oz)




Known as the Oil of the Pharaohs, black cumin seeds were found in the tomb of Tutankhamen to accompany him into the afterlife. Likewise, scholars confirm use by Cleopatra and Nefertiti used black cumin oil. In Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Greek-Roman, Malay, Tibb-e-Nabwi “Black seed.. has been extensively utilized for the treatment of liver, lung, kidney, gastric, and psychological disorders. Extensive research on N. sativa has revealed a broad spectrum of pharmacological properties comprising anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, analgesic, spasmolytic, reproprotection, hepatoprotection, bronchodilaton, nephroprotection, and contraception.” As noted in the above quote, it is even used for positive outcomes in mental and psychological conditions, boosting mood, and imparting a calm clarity and peaceful introspection conducive to healing. The Muslim doctors especially understood the power of this medicine, and their Prophet said it would cure every disease except death. It is an elite superfood, the supreme immunonutritional supplement, or part of a healthy diet of fatty and amino acids that boost immunity and reduce inflammation.

It is the perfect fasting food/supplement, to take a bit, drizzle over cheese or salad or taking in larger amounts as a detoxifying supplement. Essential for the House of Life protocols, it is known to control histamine and subduing inflammatory responses. Our black cumin seed oil is a powerful cleanser of the digestive track but gentle, aiding in metabolic disorders, respiratory and nasal issues. Swishing the oil in the mouth is a perfect part of optimum oral health. Its use for various respiratory disorders and asthma also has benefits in the deep breathing techniques of inner alchemy and certain meditation. It as was used extensively in the Asklepion healing temples and as part of the theurgic dream rituals.

The ancient Greek used this herb extensively for cold and flu and other sickness. Galen. Used to treat a variety of ailments, this powerful remedy was to be used as follows in the case of a blocked nose, (Galen, On simple drugs, VII, 7 = K. XII, 69): wrap a teaspoon of nigella seeds in a small square of linen. Briefly rub the little parcel in your hand to warm it up slightly, then bring it to one nostril while you block the other and inhale deeply. Repeat the operation as often as necessary until your nose is unblocked. The Greeks used the little black seeds in much the same way as we now use a Vicks inhaler.

Modern research confirms these medicinal and nearly miraculous powers. In our personal herbal healing and clinical use, we have deployed this medicine for nearly fatal childhood asthma from clients to the most terminal mutating cellular diseases, to respiratory, unhealing wounds, into animal and pet care for horses, dogs, and cats, etc. It is because Nigella sativa seeds contain a high concentration of Omegas 3, 6, 7 and 9 (oleic, palmitoleic, linolenic and linoleic acids), amino acids (arginine, leucine), carbohydrates (glucose, arabinose), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron), sterols (ß-sitosterol, avenesterol), tocopherols (α, ß, ɣ), thymoquinone, retinol (vitamin A) and carotenoids (ß-carotenes). Polyphenols (such as thymoquinone) and fatty acids (such as linoleic, oleic) modulate inflammatory processes and oxidation reactions, which occur during immunological reactions.

Harvested from an organic Nile oasis farm, this is the supreme highest grade of this medicinal oil. We use this internally and externally in every healing protocol and theurgic rites. Support this true Hermetic Temple with your investment in your health.

4oz opaque glass dropper bottle.


Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090