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Inner Rites and Philosophy De Templo Mercurii



Once you commit to the Path, the Path commits to you.

The purpose of this monograph is to present the inner rites and rituals of our Hermetic Temple. The many false anti- and counter-traditions have appropriated the name of the Way of Hermes. They offer at best some New Age platitudes dressed up in some academic quotes. Most are far worse, luring the naive into deeper and deeper traps of the soul. These are both the unwitting and willing dupes and minions of the anti- and counter Traditions in the Occult War. It is called upon some to shoulder this burden, to engage in this esoteric combat and to raise the banner, create the compound and temple as a repository of certain alchemical knowledge. This is a distilled articulation of the Way of the Immortals and the Gods, the Mysteries of the Hermetic Arts.

Hermes as the Messenger of the Gods is a divine sage that transmits and is the corresponding link between the Orphic, Pythagorean/Hyperborean and Greco-Egyptian Mystery Traditions. These theurgical and alchemical arts were the intimate, personal and private means for individuals to engage in the Mysteries.

This is the most concise manual and template for a heuristic, solitary self-initiation and training in the Hermetic Path of Immortals. The dream, visionary, theurgic, alchemical, erotic, abysmal, and ascension rites of the Seven planetary Gods reveal the theophanic vision of the Ogdoad and Ennead. Each phase of ritual and training builds upon and incorporates the previous until the highest and final levels that one must strive beyond all measure to the full exaltation that endures across the abyss. These are the Philosophical Rites of Rebirth, the model and Way to begin the lifelong refinement and theurgic Rites that ignites the Memory of the Celestial birthright. These are the inner instructions and Master Narrative, the skillful methods to endure beyond the outer darkness. Once one fully commits to this Path, the Path will never abandon you. Sudden twists of fate, destiny, inexplicable adjustments and corrections will constantly burn all bridge of retreat, destroy distractions and guide the wandering, strangers of the world to the Immortal Abode.

44 pages, saddle-stitch bound with 100lb linen cardstock color printed cover.


Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090