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A Hermetic Devotional



It is our mission to shine the lantern of the Path of the True Western Hermetica, purged and purified from the intrusions and parasitic spiritual diseases that have long infected the European esoteric Traditions. For example, the naive student seeks esoteric ways in a modern world where the Way has been nearly obliterated, and what remains is a caricature, an inversion, a distortion. The Occult Wars create the vacuum and then use the names of past masters, symbols and blur it with the very source of the sickness. The Hermetica is the prime target by these forces who could not eradicate its power but instead sought to bury it within their own degenerate, dessicated systems.

A perfect example is a group like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which has virtually nothing Hermetic about it. It is quasi-Masonic, Victorian occultism and kabbalah. These groups are either composed of naive fools, willful minions or those that know and chose to be part of such metastasized spiritual disease. The true Greco-Egpytian Hermetica is incompatible with the kabbalistic systems, as the Old Testament is a complete war on the pagan worldview, especially the Gods of Egypt. To put a finer point on it, the Old Testament and Solomonic Traditions are against the Mysteries of the Gods, and waged war on them. The Old Testament is literally a testimony to hatred and war with Egypt and absolute hostility to the Classical pagan worldview. With a paltry few exceptions, there is virtually no after life or immortal path within these texts, which most were invented for an Egyptian audience in the Ptolemaic period long after the language of the Old Testament had ceased to be used. Thus, it was lost and reinvented, copying the Arab gnostics and Sufi who inherited true Hermetic wisdom from the Greek masters who fled to Harran in Syria. Thus, crypto-Hermetic cults do exist within these, as the originally they were the Sabians and protected as “People of the Book” in a claiming Hermes as a Idris/Enoch to dissimulate from being destroyed in purging religious wars.

But this is a false equivalency, and one that we rectify in the forthcoming texts on the Discourse of the Eighth and Ninth and the Azoth trilogy. But here we present essential devotional readings for Hermetica distilled and purified from the above intrusions and inversions. These fund our future projects, our alchemical revival and true Hermetic missionary for those who sense deep within that the Way has been sabotaged, appropriated by a parasitic cult in these Occult Wars. We thank you for your support.

48 pages, handbound, ivory printpaper with 100lb coverpaper


Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090