Publications – Templo Mercurii Vivos voco – Mortuos plango – Fulgura frango Mon, 14 Oct 2024 02:56:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Publications – Templo Mercurii 32 32 234233811 Orphic Hymns (Theurgic Reader): A Journal of the Orphic Mysteries V.1 Mon, 14 Oct 2024 02:56:20 +0000 The visionary and theurgic rites of the Mysteries were of a refined and perfected sensory engagement to the Seeker. To behold these wonders, the myths and theology in visions more vivid than waking reality was the supreme unveiling of the true purpose of existence. Initiates wrote of a profound hope, a deep optimism, of understanding their purpose and true human potential. The Rites reveal the infinite experience of the souls ascending empowerment of the divine process of co-creation and apotheosis.

Careful attention to the correspondences, the diet, the colors, the sounds, the aromas, the indulgences, the ascetic refraining all engage and focus the Mind. The visionary sacraments unfetter the consciousness, the poetic invocations engage the tonal resonance and silences the inner whisperer. The sacred fumes calm and stimulate, their smoke carrying the intoned words like prayers to the Gods.

Such attention to ritual detail, the proper paraphernalia, the proper timing, the proper garb, the proper incense and timing, the fasts and purifications, securing the herbs all are magical acts of intention, of investing, of integrity and resolute action. They are contracts of the self with the self, dedications, deeds that beget deeds done in the singular purpose of unified thought and word and action. The deep purifications must be conducted, the vapors cleansed, the katharis of psyche and body purging malignant residues. The ambience and atmosphere must be saturated in the intent encoded and patterened within the sigils. The air must be perfumed, the taboos and solemn rites strictly observed. This extends to every detail, including every item that is brought within the proximity of these rites.

Especially the ritual texts must be of a certain feel. They must feel organic, without the gloss of being mass produced and with barcodes and such to spoil the aesthetic. We have long collected the old alchemical pamphlets, slim folios, commonbooks and herbals that have the feel of being handmade, the intimacy of a practitioner and disciple of these Arts. Visual cues and invocations to infuse and saturate the consciousness while sacraments pulse throughout the blood and prime one for a true theurgic encounter. Thus the order, the images function as a noetic and theurgic reader, an entheogenic prayer and prompt book to the oldest Mysteries.

We always write we are a Cult of Memory, and these secrets are encoded within the Hymns. The first, for example, is to the Muses, the daughters of Mnemyosne and the key to the Orphic mysteries in being free of the cycles of death and rebirth. The key of immortality is then to Remember, to taste of the springs of Memory, just as the Philosophers remember the Primordial, Original Light. Working through the hymns in the sequence of days over the corresponding alchemical seasons rekindles that Light within, and brings the true Hermetic Silence that allows for Memory and Mind to endure beyond the Abyss.

Our goal is always to produce subtle items of beauty, humble lights on the path that we that we use within our rituals. Magus Publishing’s simple mission began in filling in gaps in occult, esoteric and alchemical subjects for our Research Society. This is to create a heuristic invisible college, a think tank of these related subjects, and a means to render aid, resources and assistance to those seeking a similar path in the Wolf’s Age. This text is simply the pure translation of the Orphic Hymns by our favorite classical translator, with commentary and subsequent essays in the series.

In volume 2 we offer a commentary and outline of the Orphic Mysteries from our worldview as an entheogenic and theurgic cult of Memory. But consider the order of the hymns, the repetition of certain divinities, in different forms, or those that have consecutive invocations, such as the Furies. All of this is patterning, psychic and spiritual driving of these ancestral Narratives using the symbols, forms, icons of multivalent meaning. A true initiatic disclosure will reveal microcosmic knowledge from cosmology, to the structure of reality, to the soul’s journey and life’s essential meaning as expressed in a Mystery that the initiate must work a lifetime to solve.

Though there is guidance, one is ultimately alone, cast into the dark and in such silence and shadows one can behold the Light. Consider then that the Hymn to Aurora comes just after the one for Mnemosyne, and let this guide the climax of the rituals. Let the theurgic lanterns light hold the vigil till dawn, when the darkness comes and behold shadows, the ghosts and visions until the coming of the dawn. Then once again one encounters Justice, and deeper the testing and ordeals that follows with the invocations of sleep, dreams, and death. It is within this eternal gloom, across the threshold of realms where Memory must endure.

60 pages.

Orpheus: A Journal of the Orphic Mysteries V.2 Mon, 14 Oct 2024 00:15:23 +0000 Our research is to find the source of the various Traditional streams that comprise the Mysteries. The lore and mythos is clear in all true Indo-European and related traditions of a central source, an original People, homeland. From here were dispensed the visionary entheogens, the skillful means to use them, and the Master Narrative of true initiation. From the legends of Hyperboreans, to Thracian and Scythian tribes that acted as emissaries and guards on the processions of the Sacred Way, this lore remained intact with a striking coherence and consistency from India to Ireland and all related cultures in between.

Our focus in this writing is of the Orphic origins to an initiatory understanding that echoes with this same consistency in various heritage and legacy cultures. This is of a cult of Memory, of magical or sacred springs of Memory, of oracular heads, and purification rites to Recall one’s divine race through specific ordeals and rituals. Such initiatic traces remain in the lore and cults of Odin and are templates and encoded skillful means of a profound Way. We personally feel these are some of the most important insights of the true esoteric path, the true alchemical Way, the Great Work and essential prerequisites to a true presencing of the Mysteries.

This will be an going series of research of Hyperborean, Scythian and Orphic/Thracian sources of the Mysteries, the cosmology, the herbal sacraments, the initiatory Master Narrative, the techniques and shamanic practices that are the true origins of the Western and Northern Tradition as well as the Vedic, Siddha and related alchemical, Tantric lineages.

84 pages. Summer Solstice 2022.

Hyperborean Research Society Mystae Vol. 1-3 Trilogy Sun, 13 Oct 2024 23:59:22 +0000 The Hyperborean Research Society members have spent a lifetime researching the entheogenic and shamanic wisdom of the ancestors. Cutting through the fog of the occult wars, the propaganda, and the synthetic traditions and drugs, we present a new series of our collective research. It is predominantly studying the Indo-European traditions with a special emphasis on Orphic, Hermetic, Hellenistic Mysteries.

Having spent many decades seeking the Traditional use of entheogenic plants and alchemy, we feel this series has the potential to be useful and unique. Oftentimes we get inquiries asking how to deepen the practices that we allude to in other monographs. As such this is a response to many questions posed in correspondences that we will expand into a series of publications. Perhaps there are such practical manuscripts on entheogens and theurgy, but we have not found them.

Vol. 1 of the trilogy comprises a general discussion on some key aspects of the occult wars and entheogens, botanical mysteries fasting, theurgy, and initiatory practices of the Philosopher Shamans.

Vol. 2 is an entheogenic breviary of the Traditional pagan Mysteries: the symbols and artistic representations to ponder while one is in the contemplative initial phases of the training and as a visual meditation aid, or reader for microdose. The sacred maxims, sentences and verses of the Northern Hyperborean adepts are also included. There are some discussions of the Eleusinian and Delphic cults, the emblemata of the Mysteries, hymns to the Gods, and quotes from initiates on the sacred Rites.

Vol. 3 will contain miscellaneous essays and an extensive reading list. There is an in-depth discussion from guild founders on our prime sacramental herb admixtures and other pertinent essays on the Mysteries and entheogenic plants.

Our monographs do not assume our readers are ignorant, or that they are unfamiliar with these topics. We do try to frame the complex subjects with general or introductory notes, as well as provide a bibliography for the series, but we do not ‘dumb it down’ or try to speak down to the audience. We feel we give enough information and allusions to those who are beginning these studies to conduct their own education and research to become familiar with these wide-ranging subjects. This is certainly not in sympathy with much of the ‘psychedelic’ or 60’s drug culture of the radical left or those that enjoy the icons and pop-culture dilettantes who dabble with such substances. Those who take artificial drugs, synthetic or non-plant derived chemicals or like goetic or kabbalistic ‘versions’ of the Western Tradition will not enjoy this. Likewise, those that are hostile to a Traditionalist worldview and who follow a lot of New Age and countercultural heroes may find some of the material antagonistic to cherished icons. Many will have found the use of these plants as popularized by such dubious characters as Castenada, Mckenna, Wasson, Leary, Crowley, etc. but we argue them as anti- and counter-Traditional, anti-initiatory distortions of a much more ancient, authentic and ancestral path. Those seeking a deeper study are welcome to contact our Research Society.

Inner Rites and Philosophy De Templo Mercurii Wed, 09 Oct 2024 22:59:55 +0000 Once you commit to the Path, the Path commits to you.

The purpose of this monograph is to present the inner rites and rituals of our Hermetic Temple. The many false anti- and counter-traditions have appropriated the name of the Way of Hermes. They offer at best some New Age platitudes dressed up in some academic quotes. Most are far worse, luring the naive into deeper and deeper traps of the soul. These are both the unwitting and willing dupes and minions of the anti- and counter Traditions in the Occult War. It is called upon some to shoulder this burden, to engage in this esoteric combat and to raise the banner, create the compound and temple as a repository of certain alchemical knowledge. This is a distilled articulation of the Way of the Immortals and the Gods, the Mysteries of the Hermetic Arts.

Hermes as the Messenger of the Gods is a divine sage that transmits and is the corresponding link between the Orphic, Pythagorean/Hyperborean and Greco-Egyptian Mystery Traditions. These theurgical and alchemical arts were the intimate, personal and private means for individuals to engage in the Mysteries.

This is the most concise manual and template for a heuristic, solitary self-initiation and training in the Hermetic Path of Immortals. The dream, visionary, theurgic, alchemical, erotic, abysmal, and ascension rites of the Seven planetary Gods reveal the theophanic vision of the Ogdoad and Ennead. Each phase of ritual and training builds upon and incorporates the previous until the highest and final levels that one must strive beyond all measure to the full exaltation that endures across the abyss. These are the Philosophical Rites of Rebirth, the model and Way to begin the lifelong refinement and theurgic Rites that ignites the Memory of the Celestial birthright. These are the inner instructions and Master Narrative, the skillful methods to endure beyond the outer darkness. Once one fully commits to this Path, the Path will never abandon you. Sudden twists of fate, destiny, inexplicable adjustments and corrections will constantly burn all bridge of retreat, destroy distractions and guide the wandering, strangers of the world to the Immortal Abode.

44 pages, saddle-stitch bound with 100lb linen cardstock color printed cover.

The Water of the Equinoxes Sun, 22 Sep 2024 23:34:59 +0000 In our decades long study of alchemical arts spanning the entire Indo-European expression of this esoteric sciences we search for patterns. There are great mysteries present in all aspects of these studies, such as how this Art spontaneously appeared over vast areas, with the same ingredients, the same symbolism, the same cosmology/worldview, and similar techniques, objectives and goals. Here the quest for immortality, the purified mercury, the specific elixir ingredients, and cherished essences, minerals and metals converge from the Greek and Egyptian masters to those of India and Daoist China.
It is because these all derived from a central mysterious heritage culture, a central homeland that dispersed this knowledge as Mysteries to preserve this wisdom and method. This is the Way, concealed under culture and religions of all peoples that had contact with this original Noble culture that were as emissaries of the Gods.
One of the central ingredients from Tantrik masters to Daoist hermits, to Persian, Kemetic, Hellenic, European alchemists is the obsession with dew collected at certain times of the year. This contains a fiery secret ‘nitre’, a potent celestial subtle fire that has incredible properties on the body, on metals, on herbs. This is the alchemical secret to potent medicines. We present this monograph as contemplation or meditation upon some of these teachings, methods and the lore of alchemical dew, the water of the Equinoxes.  This is a Hermetic inquiry into this mysterious substance which we take great pains to collect with special plates in the remote Northern Mountains for our special elixirs.
Support our work, our preservation of the Old Ways, an alchemical missionary to the select few that yearn for the Memory of this Way of Immortality, this celestial Art of theurgic, alchemical visionary Rites that was the Path of the Ancient Masters. It is an investment in your own radiant health and support to preserve these teachings from the oblivion and fog of the Occult Wars.

52 pages, saddle stitch bound with color print 100lb linen cardstock.
Eta: An Alchemical Dossier of the Hebdomad V.1 Sun, 22 Sep 2024 15:48:12 +0000 A theurgic and alchemical collection of the lore of the seven planets, the seven operations of true elixirs and soul’s ascension through the spheres. Much astral and Hermetic knowledge within selections, commentary, and translations from true masters and essential works. A mix of original essays and crucial texts, we feel this humble volume discloses the true alchemical operations, the true objectives of the Great Work and the authentic Master Narrative.

This issue is also an essential prerequisite to what we consider the most important forthcoming publications. We are honored and inspired by the loyal support of our readers. We take this as a humble responsibility to strive and produce the most distilled, dynamic and Traditional articulation of the Mysteries, of Mastery, and the Great Work. Your purchase allows us to obtain rare texts, to undertake painstaking translations, and to secure the ingredients for the essential medicines.

84 pages, saddle-stitched binding with blue 24lb cardstock cover.

A Hermetic Chapbook Sun, 22 Sep 2024 02:41:56 +0000 We create these small chapbooks of lavishly illustrated collections of wisdom, quotations, hymns to the Gods, alchemical lore for, admittedly, our own delight. It is an act or revolt and an investment in health to minimize all of the screens and electronic devices or the glossy modern books and to take up a handmade little book of true Philosophy. These texts are companions for walks in the forest, while waiting for distillations, in those quiet times of contemplation. They are the perfect gift to seed the authentic Hermetic worldview into a friend or to slip into a bookcase for someone to discover in a library or even a bookstore, to put inside another book as an act of alchemical missionary work.

The true religion of the ancients, the ancestors is found in the Hermetica that is distilled from the late distortions of the kabbalists, New Age, and other such viruses of the Western Tradition. We submit, with minimal editing, some old entries from collections of mythological lore, essential items for contemplation and meditation for those seeking Hermetic Wisdom. We thank you for the support from our readers to grow and evolve and to constantly refine our craft and the quality of our offerings.

52 pages, saddle stitch bound

Hermetic Self-Initiation Sun, 22 Sep 2024 02:36:56 +0000 We present a concise manual for self-initiation into technical Hermetic practice. It is an urgent publication, one that we rush to have for those that want to embrace the Equinox and alchemical season of Spring for their theurgic and noetic rites of renewal. It is composed as we arise from our own alchemical retreats, the brutal winter of training and encountering the putrefaction phase of life in this valley of sorrows. Out of such lashing anguish and estrangement from every joy and peace, we arise renewed, having tasted the darkest filth of the outer and inner darkness. The calcinating fires of the Spring must commence. Thus our Labors of Hermetic Research now shifts to missionary works to True Human Beings.

We practice a radical Hermeticism, distilled from the late intrusions of the counter- and anti-Traditions. Radical, meaning both extreme and to the roots, of alchemical practices of the Philosopher-Shamans. These are the combined esoteric currents of Hyperborean, Orphic, Pythagorean, and Neo-Platonic Mysteries that were destroyed in the Occult Wars that eclipsed the Classical Period. What arose to compete in this vacuum of the destruction of the intiatory centers was a spiritual war, a weaponization of the Mysteries. It is the pursuit of this Lost Wisdom, this Grail-like quest, through the labyrinth of traps and deadends, that is the Trophy of the Hermetic Way.

The temples were scattered, the libraries burnt, the Masters assassinated, and the lore and mythos, the Master Narrative, was cast to the winds as fragments. The Way of Hermes arose again as a personal, intimate, solitary means of recovering from the amnesia-inducing spell of the Occult Wars. The Gnostic cults arose sensing this alien intrusion in this realm, this archonic enchantment that profaned, seduced, and obliterated all in a parasitic corruption of the Way of the Gods. Nearly all that could not be destroyed was appropriated, inverted, stolen, distorted, used as bait to lure into ensnaring, toxic systems (kabbalah, masonry, pop-occult, New Age, and most left hand, neo-pagan derivatives that claim to be the Western Tradition) that open one up to be a conduit for such forces.

The Traditionalists articulate this crisis of the modern age with the concept of anti- and counter-Tradition, the manufactured traps that lure the naive, the ignorant, into such rituals and rites, tethering them to entities and intelligences that corrupt them like a virus or a parasite. The Hermetic path is personal, there is no one to tell you lies other than the ones you might tell yourself. There is no master, no secret texts, no hubristic titles or grades, but the encounter and confrontation of the alone with the alone, the self to Self. It is simply a guide of ancestral knowledge, of a thread of Hermetic seeking of the Memory. There is no hatred of the body, nor extreme of hylic materialism, but an integrated and balanced pursuit of the immortal gnosis. It is the Master Narrative to allow one to engage thought, word, and action into the Great Work.

Gods in exile, entombed in the body, confined in matter and longing, yearning for Return. All true Philosophy is concerned only with immortality. The adept, seasoned as a wayfarer and wanderer, thus aids those in exile, estranged and forgetful of their meaning and lost in purpose. The adepts give the maps and point the way, but the path is reclusive, solitary and later with a partner or trusted few. Thus, one becomes a living repository of ancestral exoteric and esoteric knowledge and wisdom to counsel or assist, perhaps, those certain few.

One must emerge changed, transmuted from an initiation or it was a failure. It is a Rite of Rebirth, a true preparation for confronting and enduring the Abyss. This is a personal manual, a glimpse into theurgic Hermetic rituals used to heal, used to aim and guide the visionary ordeals and training and as the catalyst for alchemical operations. Some aspects seem overwhelming, but let no excuse allow you to penetrate to the essence and core of these practices and strive with every effort to begin the practices and evolve into their perfection over a life time or whatever remains of your precious incarnation.

60 pages, saddle-stitched, 65lb ivory coverpaper.

The Centiloquium attributed to Hermes Trismegistus (Starry Heavens Monographs Series) Sun, 22 Sep 2024 02:32:07 +0000 The central goal of Magus Publishing is the exegesis of the Way of the Western Tradition purged from the toxic, infected inversions. This is based on the Greco-Roman pagan worldview that are heritage cultures to much more ancient esoteric streams. The Indo-European, Hyperborean, and ancient Egyptian initiatory paths were linked from the earliest times, as the Solon, Pythagors, Plato and others all record this, recovering the Mythos and Wisdom Literature from these initiatory centers.

The Hermetic literature was also preserved in the Arabian lands, where the Sufi and Gnostics, and the Sabians preserved the ancient texts. Unlike the Kabbalists, they preserved the essence and authorship, not daring to have the hubris of claiming this knowledge from any other than Hermes, the Thrice Great.

The Hermetic, initiatory astrology and astronomy is much different in many ways from the modern and deviated methods. The lower methods and understandings of common astrology are necessary preliminaries to study a higher, celestial astro-theology of the planetary Gods and the Way of Immortality, in the astral gates and alchemical timings for the Lesser and Greater Mysteries, Ordeals and Rites. These are essential lessons to internalize for finding auspicious times and to contemplate the interactions, the transits, the ruling aspects of the Gods and Spheres as one works the Path.

This is a slim volume to begin our Starry Heavens Monograph series of Hyperborean and Hermetic Astrotheology. This will include many distilled studies and original essays as well as elegantly reproduced essential ancient primary texts. This is part of a great esoteric action of the House of Life, the Hermetic Paideia, and other such initiatives. We thank you dearly for your support.

24 pages, saddle-stitched, 65lb cardstock cover

A Hermetic Devotional Sun, 22 Sep 2024 02:22:04 +0000 It is our mission to shine the lantern of the Path of the True Western Hermetica, purged and purified from the intrusions and parasitic spiritual diseases that have long infected the European esoteric Traditions. For example, the naive student seeks esoteric ways in a modern world where the Way has been nearly obliterated, and what remains is a caricature, an inversion, a distortion. The Occult Wars create the vacuum and then use the names of past masters, symbols and blur it with the very source of the sickness. The Hermetica is the prime target by these forces who could not eradicate its power but instead sought to bury it within their own degenerate, dessicated systems.

A perfect example is a group like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which has virtually nothing Hermetic about it. It is quasi-Masonic, Victorian occultism and kabbalah. These groups are either composed of naive fools, willful minions or those that know and chose to be part of such metastasized spiritual disease. The true Greco-Egpytian Hermetica is incompatible with the kabbalistic systems, as the Old Testament is a complete war on the pagan worldview, especially the Gods of Egypt. To put a finer point on it, the Old Testament and Solomonic Traditions are against the Mysteries of the Gods, and waged war on them. The Old Testament is literally a testimony to hatred and war with Egypt and absolute hostility to the Classical pagan worldview. With a paltry few exceptions, there is virtually no after life or immortal path within these texts, which most were invented for an Egyptian audience in the Ptolemaic period long after the language of the Old Testament had ceased to be used. Thus, it was lost and reinvented, copying the Arab gnostics and Sufi who inherited true Hermetic wisdom from the Greek masters who fled to Harran in Syria. Thus, crypto-Hermetic cults do exist within these, as the originally they were the Sabians and protected as “People of the Book” in a claiming Hermes as a Idris/Enoch to dissimulate from being destroyed in purging religious wars.

But this is a false equivalency, and one that we rectify in the forthcoming texts on the Discourse of the Eighth and Ninth and the Azoth trilogy. But here we present essential devotional readings for Hermetica distilled and purified from the above intrusions and inversions. These fund our future projects, our alchemical revival and true Hermetic missionary for those who sense deep within that the Way has been sabotaged, appropriated by a parasitic cult in these Occult Wars. We thank you for your support.

48 pages, handbound, ivory printpaper with 100lb coverpaper
