Templo Mercurii https://templomercurii.org Vivos voco – Mortuos plango – Fulgura frango Tue, 03 Dec 2024 16:54:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://templomercurii.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/TEMPLO-MERCURII-e1715788520780-100x100.png Templo Mercurii https://templomercurii.org 32 32 234233811 Hermetic Virtues https://templomercurii.org/hermetic-virtues/ Tue, 03 Dec 2024 16:54:12 +0000 https://templomercurii.org/?p=2881

The Hermetic Virtues are grounded in Gnosis of the Way of the Gods, the attainment of Divine Nous, the drinking of the Memory, the baptism/immersion of the Light. This leads to a freedom and exaltation of ecstasy. To this bliss we invoke and apply Self-Restraint in the concentration and containment of that energy and force. Thus, we endure through Perseverance through the internal and external vulnerabilities and obstacles that hinder the Way. We seek Nobility and Justice through Ancestral Custom, the proper order and appropriate action of the accumulated wisdom of the Ancestors. This is the foundation of fellowship, of filiation, of Community, which is the recreation of the World, the microcosmos of order in the rural esoteric hermitages and homesteads. These aggregate to Alithei (Alethea) (the antithesis of lethe as “oblivion”, “amnesia”, or “concealment”) the banishment of forgetfulness, the recovery and Remembrance of Immortal Memory. Thus we proceed to the 12 Houses and their attendant Ordeals and avenging aspects:

Two Translation (Myatt, Copenhaver, of the 12 ‘tormentors’, twelve in number, but under them are many more besides)

Vengeress (a feminine form of avenging wrath) is Unknowing; the second, Grief. The third, Unrestraint;
the fourth, Lascivity. The fifth, Unfairness; the sixth, Coveter. The seventh,
Deceit; the eighth, Envy. The ninth, Treachery; the tenth, Wroth. The eleventh,
Temerity; the twelfth, Putridity
and misery and ignorance are banished, Corpus Hermticum XIII the means of Rebirth, the alchemical purification from these toxins of Soul

This ignorance, my child, is the first torment; the second is grief;
the third is incontinence; the fourth, lust; the fifth, injustice; the sixth,
greed; the seventh, deceit; the eighth, envy; the ninth, treachery; the
tenth, anger; the eleventh, recklessness; the twelfth, malice.

To us has come knowledge of joy, and
when it arrives, grief will fly off to those who give way to it. [9] The
power that I summon after joy is continence. O sweetest power! Let us
receive her too, most gladly, child. As soon as she arrives, how she has
repulsed incontinence! Now in fourth place I summon perseverance, the
power opposed to lust. This next level, my child, is the seat of justice.
See how she has expelled injustice, without a judgment. With injustice
gone, my child, we have been made just. The sixth power that I summon
to us is the one opposed to greed – liberality. And when greed has
departed, I summon another, truth, who puts deceit to flight. And truth
arrives. See how the good has been fulfilled, my child, when truth arrives.
For envy has withdrawn from us, but the good, together with life and
light has followed after truth, and no torment any longer attacks from
the darkness. Vanquished, they have flown away in a flapping of wings.”

Hermetic Cult of Memory https://templomercurii.org/hermetic-cult-of-memory/ Wed, 15 May 2024 18:18:37 +0000 https://templomercurii.org/?p=48


The Fumigation from Frankincense.
Hermes, draw near, and to my pray’r incline, angel of Jove [Zeus], and Maia’s son divine;
Studious of contests, ruler of mankind, with heart almighty, and a prudent mind.
Celestial messenger, of various skill, whose pow’rful arts could watchful Argus kill:
With winged feet, ’tis thine thro’ air to course, O friend of man, and prophet of discourse:
Great life-supporter, to rejoice is thine, in arts gymnastic, and in fraud divine:
With pow’r endu’d all language to explain, of care the loos’ner, and the source of gain.
Whose hand contains of blameless peace the rod, Corucian, blessed, profitable God;
Of various speech, whose aid in works we find, and in necessities to mortals kind:
Dire weapon of the tongue, which men revere, be present, Hermes, and thy suppliant hear;
Assist my works, conclude my life with peace, give graceful speech, and me Memory’s increase.

The True and Authentic Hermetic Way does not seek the counsel of the Enemies of Life. It is not to be lost in abstractions, in false paths of goetic, Masonic and New Age snares and dead ends. It is to regain the essential True Humanity that Remembers the Celestial Heritage of the Immortals. It is a Cult of Memory, an initiatory path to awaken and exalt from the amnesia, lethargy, and slumber of the spells of these dark forces. It is a Radical Hermeticism that is distilling, purging and assaying all sources with critical discernment as to their sources, agenda, their roles in the Occult War propaganda of the scribes.

True Hermetic Studies are ‘pagan’ in the sense of the Old Way. The sources of the kabbalistic and all related inversions, distortions and plagiarisms, are anti-Traditional. They opposed and destroyed all that came before and claimed and appropriated what remained. The Hermetic Path is the key to the Hyperborean Mysteries and those of Kemet, and likewise the alchemical Traditions of the Indo-Aryans. This is documented within the mythos and lore, as the various connections clearly expressed in the visits of adepts, the linking of Gods and traditions in hymns, all of which show a unity. The Enemy sought to break this chain, sever this link with the Gods and to destroy the Mysteries, the Way of Immortality. This is replaced by fetters, traps and snares that promise liberation and freedom, only to bind one deeper into this false construct.

The Way of Hermes is to regain this essential Memory through this Quest, the ordeals, trials, the rites and rituals that unlock what has been nearly erased and forgotten. As one studies the ancestral Ways, as a True Human Being amongst the ruins, one can see the infections of Narrative, of spirit and heart these alien anti-traditions have done. They have inverted all that is heroic, distorted all that is Philosophy, and in a reverse alchemy have transmuted the Golden Rites of Rebirth into putrid, degenerate chaos. Indeed, they are charlatans repackaging the same old lies and poisons and “They muddy the water to make it seem deep.”

This is an elite, intimate, anonymous group for those whose Memories have awakened, whose Great Yearning has been stirred and the restless Faustian spirit rejects the mundane occultism, the New Age and quasi-Masonic, the dessicated Kabbalistic and Solomonic degeneracy and seek a Noble, Royal Path of the Gods. To those that join at this foundational level there is a special kinship and filiation and we are grateful for such supporters.

“And the first of the gods that he commemorated with his song was Mnemosyne, Mother of Muses, for the son of Maia was a follower of hers.”
