
Our method is of the direct visionary beholding of the Light, those that do witness this are not of the Way.

The True Mysteries were to expose all, from slave to royalty, to the symbols and experiences of the soul before it was born and in the afterlife. To those that Remember the beholding of the Primordial Light were granted both higher and deeper Mysteries. The Higher Mysteries of the Celestial Realms, the spheres, and the company of the blessed of the sacred nectars at the banquet of the Gods. The deeper mysteries were of the underworld, the necropolis above and below, of a wandering, terrifying and, at times, orgiastic overwhelming of the soul to distract and cause to Forget, to make the uninitiated choice.

These Mysteries were destroyed and replaced with false inversions, parasitic overlays, of anti- and counter-Traditional forces. The patient agenda of obliterating these Mysteries, the texts, of corruption, dilution, inversion, into various traps and fetters has further estranged most from the Way. The most active groups are prime examples of the anti-Tradition (claiming the Way of Hermes as Freemasons), and counter-Traditions (those claiming kabbalistic, Hebraic, Thelemite and other such practices). They have surely not attained to the True Vision, for they would not associate with any of these degenerate and subverted enemies of the Way. But those who have beheld the Vision must, in turn, teach. We do this anonymously, discreetly, in a balance between an alchemical missionary and a Traditional Hermetic evangelism (to re-appropriate a term from the Greco-Roman world, euangelion was used to announce important events )

There is no true spiritual lineage without direct Transmission from the Initiatic chain, the Seira Silsila. Nor is there a chain without the Original Experience, those that Behold and Remember the ineffable luminous, Supernal Light. This is the Ogdoadic and Enneadic visions, the numinous glowing encoded form of Being, the radiant and golden medu netjer, shining in paradisiacal splendor. This vision is the lodestone and magnet of perfected Beauty, the sacred Nous in manifested form as both experience and vision, of gnosis and form, of divine and immortal expression. Any further attempts to describe such exquisite celestial sights are futile.

Then our Way becomes the drawing down of this Remembrance and Immortal Nous, this golden and lapis lazuli, emerald and sapphire like radiance. It is the theurgic and alchemical Rites, the skillful methods of the Cræft of Theos that further illumine and fortify this Becoming. With this upward striving, and this drawing down of empowered Light we become subtle, radiant, and exalted. Within this crucible of self, a fiery daemonic body of light is refined, one tested in the earthly rites, that can endure the ascension through the Seven Spheres, passing the encircling Ocean of the Abyss. It is this alchemical method of adamantine and enduring Becoming that arrests the dissolution, the dissipation, the decay of Being.

We are a silent order:anonymous, a Traditional and Traditionalist rural esoteric community in the Mountains. Our mission is a subtle and discreet Hermetic evangelism, an elite call of alchemical missionary Work. We present works and symbols that are designed as catalysts for the Memory, that some may Recall and awaken to their true Immortal birthright. It is ordered that we must teach and oppose those who distort and invert the True Way of Hermes. This is our esoteric combat in the Occult Wars of the Gods.